Finally, I’ll review seven common marketing channels from a cannabis marketing perspective:Outdoor Advertising Some are heat, some are tire fire, and some will be devil’s lettuce Completely blacklisted; today you'll learn where it makes sense to spend your time and money if you want to increase your revenue and avoid regulatory wrath.
But first... Cannabis Marketing: Industry Snapshot The cannabis industry is, well, not a Bolivia WhatsApp Number small one. Marijuana Marketing Industry Map Despite its tenuous federal status, the legal marijuana market spans 33 medical states and 13 medical/recreational states and consists of more than 10,000 businesses. The field is experiencing rapid growth, with sales exceeding $14 billion in 2019 and expected to reach $25 billion by 2021.
While cannabis has created a cottage industry across the country (from armored vehicles to delivery apps, IoT soil conditioners to ancillary businesses like PoS systems), the plant contact business (a very literal industry term) can be broken down into the following segments . Dispensaries: The cannabis industry’s local businesses, small and medium-sized businesses, America’s backbone.